ACO 2025

Why I Joined the ACO

Our musicians, who are from all over Australia – and all over the world  share the stories behind where they were when they first heard of the Orchestra, and what motivated them to join.

The Australian Chamber Orchestra is half a century old, and in fifty years has counted as its members and guest artists some of the best musicians from all over the world.

To celebrate the Orchestra's golden milestone in 2025, current members have taken time to pause, and reflect on their experiences with the ACO – including the time in their lives they went from experiencing the Orchestra from the outside, to being members of the ensemble themselves.

We've loved hearing how they discovered the Orchestra, and made the decision to stay – or move – 'down under', and we hope you do to.


Book ACO 2025
Helena HERO Image 2023 Renew

“I decided to try it out for a year...”

Helena Rathbone, ACO Principal Violin

“I received a fax from my teacher, David Takeno, in 1993 saying the ACO was hiring. I said I would think about it as didn’t know the Orchestra and had things to go back to in UK. I returned to cold, wet, grey London and decided to try ACO for a year...”
Satu Vanksa

“My friend told me about the Orchestra”

Satu Vänskä, ACO Principal Violin

“My friend Dejan Lazić had performed with the ACO and upon returning from Australia he told me ‘this Orchestra is great and would be perfect fit for you’… the rest is history.”
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“Something I always wanted to be part of”

Ilya Isakovich, ACO Violin

“I first heard about the ACO while I was living in Israel and I wanted to join because it was ‘an orchestra of soloists’ which is something I always wanted to be a part of!”
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“Growing up in Sydney”

Liisa Pallandi, ACO Violin

“Growing up in Sydney, I’m not sure my memory can be trusted with a ‘first time’ hearing of the ACO…”
Melissa Barnard

“I grew up going to ACO concerts at Sydney Opera House as a teenager”

Melissa Barnard, ACO Cello

“I grew up going to ACO concerts at Sydney Opera House as a teenager. After several years of living in the US, I heard a position was open and I was curious about the young, fresh energy of the Orchestra, plus I wanted to be in a chamber orchestra.”
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“Growing up in Australia you couldn’t but hear about the ACO”

Julian Thompson, ACO Cello

“Growing up in Australia you couldn’t but hear about the ACO – a defining part of the musical landscape. The glittering shoulder pads of the Maggie Shepherd outfits might have stayed in the 80s, but the ACO’s role model status and excellence remains.”