Richard Tognetti and the ACO

Describe the ACO in Three Words

We gave our musicians one simple task: describe the Australian Chamber Orchestra in three words. Here is what they said.

The Australian Chamber Orchestra for fifty years has made waves performing around Australia and around the world, and in that time forged a reputation for innovativeness and excellence.

We love hearing ACO musicians' stories from the very heart of the Orchestra – from their favourite concerts, to unforgettable tour experiences. around the world. And we also relished the opportunity of giving them the challenge of describing how they feel about their Orchestra with just three words.

Here's what they said.


Book ACO 2025
ACO Prinicpal Violin Helena Rathbone

The ACO in three (four!) words

Helena Rathbone, ACO Principal Violin

“Vibrant. Innovative. Unique. Australian.”
Brahms & Beethoven

The ACO in three words

Satu Vänskä, ACO Principal Violin

“Unique, Industrious, Fresh.”
ACO Violin Ike See

The ACO in three words

Ike See, ACO Violin

“Adventurous. Unique. Energetic.”
Ilya Isakovich

The ACO in three words

Ilya Isakovich, ACO Violin

“Vitality, Extraordinary and Quality. ”
Gershwin & Shostakovich

The ACO in three words

Liisa Pallandi, ACO Violin

“Exacting, electric, bewitching.”
A Musical Awakening

The ACO in three words

Timo-Veikko Valve, ACO Principal Cello

Cellist Melissa Barnard

The ACO in three words

Melissa Barnard, ACO Cello

“Intense, sharp, vivid.”
Julian Thompson

The ACO in three words

Julian Thompson, ACO Cello

“Charismatic, innovative, mesmerising.”