In 1975, visionary Australian cellist, John Painter, gathered an ensemble of like-minded string players who shared his dream of creating a group where they could control their musical destinies. This ensemble, boldly named the Australian Chamber Orchestra, made its debut that November in Sydney Opera House, performing to a sold-out Concert Hall.
From this inaugural audience, our uniquely extraordinary supporters were born. In the years since, the ACO has gone on to perform over 5000 concerts for audiences around Australia and the world, from that first concert in Sydney Opera House to Western Australia’s Ningaloo Reef to London’s Barbican.
Next year the ACO will celebrate our 50th anniversary season, ACO 2025. It is an honour to be the Artistic Director of this extraordinary ensemble of musicians; some of the finest string players on the globe.
However, the greatest privilege in my nearly 35 years as Artistic Director has been performing concerts for you, our loyal subscribers, without whom there would be no ACO at all. I have always felt that the ACO has the most curious and engaged audiences in the world and as we approach our 50th anniversary year that is truer than ever.
So, on behalf of my colleagues in the ACO, thank you for taking the leap with us each year, and I invite you to join in the celebrations of ACO 2025.
Richard Tognetti
Artistic Director
In 2025, the Australian Chamber Orchestra celebrates half a century.
As a wide-eyed 20-something New Zealander, I sat in the Concert Hall of the Sydney Opera House, astounded as I experienced for the first time the mastery and crackling musical curiosity of an audacious Australian Chamber Orchestra.
The more audience members I meet over the years, the more I find that my experience is shared by you and, if anything, has become more pronounced. Under Richard Tognetti’s artistic leadership, the ACO’s journey has been one of growth and innovation, accompanied by a pursuit of excellence. You, our audience, have been partners in this growth. Our National Concert Season is at the heart of our musical offering, which in recent years has been vastly expanded.
I am thrilled to announce that our long term partner Wesfarmers Arts has become Principal Partner of the Australian Chamber Orchestra as we enter our 50th year. I acknowledge the depth of our relationship and thank them for taking this significant step.
As we look towards the future, we acknowledge and celebrate our past, and I thank all of the musicians, staff and music lovers who have brought us to this point.
Now, explore the program, book your subscription, and let’s get on with the next 50.
Richard Evans
Managing Director