Joined by didgeridoo virtuoso and composer William Barton, US and Canadian audiences join us at venues that include Stanford University's Bing Hall, Toronto's Jane Mallett Theatre and George Weston Recital Hall, and New York's famous Café Carlyle.
In Pictures: ACO on tour in USA & Canada
San Francisco has made us feel at home - literally - from day one, delivering us to its own answer to "Pier 23"!
ACO Violin Liisa Pallandi sight-seeing in the company of the iconic Golden Gate Bridge.
The Orchestra is reunited with composer Samuel Adams, who wrote Echo Transcriptions, a concerto for electronic violin and strings which Richard Tognetti premiered in The American in 2022.
Sam Adams, represent! ✌
ACO Viola Stef Farrands and ACO Violin Liisa Pallandi enjoy a meal in San Francisco.
ACO Principal Violin, Helena Rathbone, and ACO Violin Aiko Goto discover beautiful Wisterias at Stanford University. "Each Japanese family has its own genealogy and its own family crest, it's traditional. I was very impressed to see the beautiful wisterias at Stanford today," Aiko says.
Hello, Aiko and Helena!
And Helena and Stef!
The Orchestra formed a quartet and performed an ACO Up Close concert in Bing Studio at Stanford. An audience member sent us a lovely message saying, "My husband and I have been wanting to see you for the past few years and were finally able to do so. I left the concert emotionally wrung out... the choice of program, the virtuosity, the collective, incredible skill... simply amazing! When you return to the Bing (please) we will be there, and we'll be encouraging all our friends to attend."
We're so grateful to our US audiences so far, and look forward to continuing this wonderful tour. Up next - Toronto!
We were thrilled to perform concerts and meet audiences and students at the Jane Mallett Theatre and the George Weston Recital Hall. Our musicians also enjoyed some down time exploring the beautiful city in Spring.
At the George Weston Recital Hall in Toronto, widely recognised as Canada's best recital hall and one of the top concert venues in the world.
ACO Violin Liisa Pallandi enjoys some downtime with family in Canada, visiting stunning Banff National Park.
Back in the USA...
In New York, we performed at Café Carlyle and in poignant ANZAC Day performances. The musicians also enjoyed some downtime, taking in a NY Yankees VS Toronto Blue Jays baseball game. We were also lucky to stay at the beautiful new Wall Street Hotel, thanks to the generosity of the Paspaley family.
ACO Violin Ilya Isakovich prepares for our ANZAC Day service.
During their downtime, members of the Orchestra take in a NY Yankees VS Toronto Blue Jays game! ⚾
Performing with didgeridoo virtuoso William Barton at Café Carlyle.
Click here to find out more about the Australian Chamber Orchestra's tour of the USA and Canada, 15-22 April 2023.